This is the type of shit that really does require you to sit down and approach it like an inventory spreadsheet. Catalog what behaviors you didn't like from your parents and then comb through your own with a fine tooth comb for similarities. Inadvertent cruelty, emotional distance, yelling, dismissing concerns without explanation, lack of communication; there are many inherited behaviors you can wear without realizing you're covered in them. Taking the time out to discover these burrs is worth it if it helps you live more happily once unsnarled. The hard part is being consistent enough to change the behavior, over all
Novermber 10th 2024
November 5th 2024
Halloween we had a decent Trick Or Treater turnout. 39 kids in total. Not as high as I could have dreamed, but respectable. costumes included; Hot dog, Gorilla, MLB player, clown (with scissors), Pikachu, bingo from Bluey, a couple transformers, a cheerleader, Army Man, and a Big brother, little brother duo os a Cop and Criminal. Gorilla and hotdog were the first two of the night and hearing the kid say "I like being a hot dog" as they walked away was honestly a joy bringer. Brought a smile to my face. I rewatched Over the Garden Wall with a friend as I handed out candy. Even with the wet leaves,despite my dog dying, it was a pretty nice Samhain.October8th 2024
September 27th 2024
Went to a show at Palmer's Bar in the city on Saturday. I missed the Cult Sequence performance, but saw Loum, autumn, Academy Order, and some of Count Spookula. Didn't realise I knew DJ Gwiigans. Turns out they're someone I recall from the convention circuit. They're pretty cool and I was happy to see them. Turns out i knew Cult Sequence as wel, also from the con scene. Big city, small town, eh. I had to skip out on UK Submission to make it home at a reasonable hour. I gave out Beetlejuice cartoons tickers to a bunch of different people at the show. It's a little awkward but it's an icebreaker! People love stickers. Also saw the Beetlejuice sequeal movie. It's a four out of five stars. September 16th 2024
I got a piece for my car, and i'm going to see about getting it installed today. sadly I know fuck all about wires and shit. Guess I'll learn.
Kind of thrown into a small tizzy because I an thinking about what I want to wear to a big, fancy lolita event but I have no idea how to make it happen. I guess I have time but I don't know how efficently I'll use that time, honestly. I'm something of a Last Second Crunch person. Most of everything gets done in a week or so. September 11th 2024
Anyway, my car's Cam Shaft Sensor wire connector has wires that are so damn touchy, I might need to replace them entirely. They're exposed right now and they didn't take to the electrical tape covering I tried to set up for them. What a pain! It has been five days of not having my car running. Too much longer and i'm taking it to a shop. Let's hope we -and by we i mean my dad- can get everything fixed at home before it comes to that. Urgh!
Once I got farther into Bee and Puppycat I started liking it more. Once I had a reason for the odd reactions, and occasional lack therof, from Bee I found myself able to relax and enjoy it. Once I'm done with this, I am going to watch Metropolis and Parasite. Then Gravity Falls to meet the scummy triangle that may have fucked someone's GrandUncle. 🔺🎩September 6th 2024
In the mean time, I got a bunch of Bee and Puppycat stickers. I really liked the pilot I saw ages ago, but didn't watch the series proper, so I'm going to binge it. I have seen the first two episodes so far and it really feels like a product of the time in which it aired. It's also very Pink. One of the artists worked on Steven Universe story boarding and it really, really shows. Hopefully the plot picks up and it stops doing the 'blank eyed stare into middle distance" chibi thing. Please let them be characters and not vehicles for jokes that don't quite land. It feels like Bee and Deckard are a little high all of the time and slightly more grounded reactions would help me like the show a lot more. I guess I'll treat it like something that's happening somewhere in the same world as Steven Universe.August 28th 2024
My dog is so good about having his eye medicine put in the first time each day, but he is always so frustrated with the second time each day. Please, dog! Your eyeballs are in jeapordy. (っ °Д °;)っ Stop struggling! I am so happy I've never had to medicate the bird. I can't even imagine what type of struggle that would be. August 14th 2024
Have a cultural fesitval coming up and every year i forget how to put on the fancy outfit I bought. This year I'm just going to invest in a really nice Obi for the furisode so I can stop worrying about what is and is not good enough. Money doesn't solve every problem, but this is one of the ones it can.August 9th 2024
July 17th 2024
May 15th 2024
April 5th 2024
July 15th 2023, I've never been on the otherside of an interaction centered around an activity where it is obvious the other person is doing it to make friends, without actually caring about the activity. Or, at the very least, not caring as much as I do about it. It's supremely frsutrating, but might have been better to deal with it it weren't a competetive situation. Thinking about post mortum organization today. IDK if I should write a will or just let things fall where they may. I dont know if anyone in my life has written their will. It's going to be a shit show if they haven't.
July 11th 2023 The convention was a lot of fun. The panels I went to were actually informative, instead of the disorganized mess the local Anime Convention's panels usually are. The panel on playing Evil DND characters left me with a hankering to play my Evil Son again. It would have been more fun with a friend to hang out with, but that wasn't in the cards and has not been for a while.
June 30th 2023, first of all Happy Birthday, Tsukino Usagi and ChibiUsa! Secondly, watched Interview with a vampire for the first time, today. I want every dress that Claudia owns. I read the books ages ago, when i was a tween and the specter of Ann Rice was looming over the heads of all the fanfic writers that dremt of holding a pen to paper. Sadly the word prestedigitation did not pop up even once in the movie. I first heard it in the book and was so proud of learning it, as children often are. It's a decent adaptation of the book, as far as i remember it. It is very much of its time but I root for Louis and his resistance tog etting back with his narsisstic ex. Bless, Dude. You resisted him acting like a pathetic wretch to gain your sympathy, when you weren't even prepared for it and you walked off smooth as butter. RIP the world that might have been for Claudia and Louis.(not for lestat,though. fuc 'im)
June 26th 2023, Spiritual Cramp was a fun show, while they were in town. I spent a lot of time standing around awkwardly, because I went alone to a punk show and didn't feel confident trying to interact with other concert goers, who were all in pairs or groups. I ended up liking the second opener, Bermuda Squares, more than the first Buio Omega, but B.O.'s vocalist put a lot of effort in. It almost feels theatrical in a way that seems like trying to makeup for a lack of something,but i couldn't tell you what. Attraction to aesthetic is strong for the mostly visual species that is Sighted Humanity, but it's not nearly so strong in punk circles. No one can accuse her of LipSynching,though, because she disconnected the mic more than once, while dancing in the half empty pit. Good growling on her,though. And the guitarist, Midge was a treat of a person. I had a very nice conversation with her. Bermuda Squares wasn't ground breaking but it felt good, was fun and direct to the point with music. Didn't seem like they were trying to make a name for themself and were comfortable being what they were, enjoyably so. Spiritual Cramp had one person in a gingham shirt at all times (first the vocalist than the bassist when the vocalist took his off), that made me strongly think of LetterKenny. The synth person had very 'Weird Al" hair and the bass guitarists had jackets on and caps that made them look like they were going to move some crates at the dock for a mob boss after this. One of the guitars apparently suffered a malfunction in the middle of the set and an opening band lent them one to continue playing. This vocalist had the most energy in the whole venue. The music was so loud i left the venue feeling like i was suffering a status ailment, but it was good stuff. If they're in your town, bring earplugs, but check them out.
June 19th 2023, It's a quiet Juneteenth morning and I am enjoying have awoken early, and sleeping well despite it. I have become an old woman, asleep at 8pm and awake at 5am even on my off days. But age is a privilege, you know! Not all of us get to be old. I am lucky and unlucky at once. We all accrue injuries as we age. There is no safe life, but one tries to live a life worth the harm. What that looks like is different for everyone. I want a life with friends and good food. It's harder than it really should be, but we all strie towards what does not come easily.
June 14th 2023, isn't it funny how humans have made Knowing Things our central trait? It is so much so that we shiver in the face of death, and create afterlives for ourselves because we want to know and the unknown scares us. (or at least scares lovecraft who couldn't understand air conditioning.) the USAmerican web-shpere likes to make jokes and guess at what our special characteristic would be if we were to be distilled down into a single idea decorating a Star Trek episode's alien of the week. I see a lot of "wouldn't it be funny if we were considered-" with so many, many different adjectives finishing that statement. I like the ones where we "pack bond" with things as our Special Trait. "good survivlaist" is a fun one, too. Curious is just as good as any other trait,thouugh, i suppose.
June 10th, I went to the Cherry Blossom festival after waiting an hour in the wrong place. Nearly sweat straight through my kimono, but I got there. I had a lot of reasons to be upset but it was honestly worth it to go. Planning to attend a gingham themed picnic and I have no idea what to wear, as I don't wear gingham at all. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
June 6th, had a bunch of nice food today. Tried a new restraunt. NiHao off of 42 does ramen,poke and boba tea. I grabbed some takoyaki and mango yakult. It wasn't spetacular but still pretty good. Also stopped by the standby cafe for a coffee and some eggs with toast- basic but tasty. you love to see it.
June 5th 2023
last night i thought i heard someone pulling at the door and asked my old man if he heard it. He said no but went to check it out. I was kind of surprised he took it seriously. I thought he wouldn't and would just tell me to fuck off and i would have to check it out myself. I honestly thought i was alone and it turns out i wasn't and i dont know what to do with that. it's kind of cutting the legs out from under my feelings that I have no place in this world, but not enough for me to feel like I belong anywhere or like i have a reason to exist. It cuts the legs just enough to sting. May 26th, 2023
I'm having a good day so far, but endlessly tired. So many people around me are moving away or quitting, it's kind of saddening. 📄2023
Nov 21st 2023
Sept 6th 2023
August 10th 2023
What does censorship, truly accomplish? Censorship is, at its most basic, a denial of information. Censorship says, you can't know something because someone with power over you says so. There are plenty of reasons for it;malevolent manipulation, protection of self, protection of others, or simple belief that the informaiton should not exist. Censorship cuts the propagation of ideas off at the knee;it's not impossible to get around but much harder. Censorship wards away those who drop Hard R N-words on radio stations, but is also attempts to slam dunk someone's carrer into a dumpster when they drop an F bomb. Let's not even get into those who are Queer, in or out of the closet. Despite the harm denial of information tends to have as a while, I am of two minds about it. My opinion is that censorship on the whole is disagreeable, there are some specific instances where I find it worth using. Defense of government secrets from outside parties during wartime is one. Limiting ability for minors to access porngraphy, for two. Lastly preventing creation/distribution of genuine sexual/physical abuse media. In the case of wartime activities, I believe that information should be released up to ten years after the conclusion of the war. With children accessing pornography, that's an issue that solves itself with time as eventually they age out of the bracket and it's all gates open. I do not think that sex education is the same as pornography, and it should not be treated like it is. I'll freely admit that the last one is something that 'feels' like it shouldn't be shared. Footage of sexual abuse can be viewed as pornography, but i've lumped it together with physical abuse due to the damage this inflicts upon the people in the material. It's only for genuine abuse material, though. If a physically typical adult and a little person want to have some age play kink sex, it's not my deal but i'm not stopping them. If someone is an actor and is portraying a murder or a brutal beatdown, it's not snuff and should bee taken as the voluntary action it is.